Most of the times it is not easy finding a good school for your children. But it’s even more difficult when you’re searching in a new county or region. Besides the issue of varied school fees and facilities, it’s almost impossible to find all the available schools and to find information for each one for a more informed comparison.
Now Competency Based Curriculum(CBC), is a new school programme in Kenya and most parents are finding it a nightmare to decide the best, cost-effective schools to take their children to and especially the junior secondary schools which are truly CBC compliant and would portend a bright future for their children.
Kenya Schools Profiles is a print and digital media platform that promotes the Competency Based Curriculum(CBC) by highlighting news, features and profiles of schools in Kenya. KSP also promotes the tried and tested IGCSE curriculum due its universal applicability.
This way we aim to help parents and guardians find the best options for their children while enabling compliant schools to advertise and highlight their strengths.
Needless to say, this platform helps other stakeholders like school suppliers to market their products and services as well.
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